It’s “Name that Tune” with Steven Karidoyanes from the Plymouth Philharmonic. Steven picks out some great tunes and you must be the first caller to guess the correct tune.
Every week during the month of March, ‘Women’s History Month’, we are shining the spotlight on a local woman of significance. This week, Colleen Previte, from Framingham State University, joins us at 8:11 to spotlight the South Shore’s Ruth Wakefield. Known for her innovations in the baking field, Ruth Wakefield, pioneered the first chocolate chip recipe
At 8:40, Chris White, President & CEO of Road to Responsibility joins us in-studio. Road to Responsibility’s mission is to provide the means, the opportunity, and the support necessary to allow citizens with disabilities to take their place as productive members of the community.
Feel Good Friday with Attorney Mark Stiles from Stiles Law each and every Friday at 9:11.
And it wouldn’t be the kick-off to the weekend without our Sports Report with Quinn Kelly. At 9:35 we’ll discuss highlights of the Patriots & Bruins’ seasons as well as the wins, losses, and predictions of South Shore Sports and beyond!