Selectmen vote to re-open beach parking lots.
With warmer weather ahead and Republican Governor Charlie Baker unveiling a phased plan to re-open the state, the Marshfield Selectmen voted unanimously to open beach parking lots in town.
Beach Supervisor Cindy Castro says the Rexhame and the Green Harbor Beaches will be ready to go on Friday. The parking lots for all five beaches in town will be open and fully-staffed by mid-June.
Police Chief Phil Tavares says there will be some restrictions in place, per state guidelines.
“You only have to wear a mask if you can’t distance yourself from six feet. If you cannot socially distance yourself of six feet, then you have to wear the mask,” said Tavares. “Just stay away from people and you won’t have to wear the mask.”
Household family members are not subject to that restriction. Tavares says no groups larger than 10 people are allowed to gather. Visitors should maintain at least 12 feet minimum distance between towel length or beach blanket areas.
Organized ball games such as volleyball, can jam, spikeball, soccer, football, and bocce are not allowed. The beaches will be monitored to ensure that people are following guidelines.
Selectman Michael Bradley was chosen as Chair of the Board during Monday’s meeting. He said to Tavares that an emergency meeting could be called if the restrictions are not followed.
“If we have to close it down because people aren’t listening, we will have that meeting,” said Bradley. “I hope we don’t ever have to do it, but if it’s needed we’ll do it.”
Beach Supervisor Castro says that sales for beach stickers are expected to start on Tuesday. Daily sales will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“People will stay in [their] vehicle,” said Castro. “An attendant will approach the car wearing PPE, take your information, your cash and check, process the sticker, and hand it back to the individual.”