We’re thrilled to have John Galluzzo walking the South Shore once again! He kicked off his weekly walks of the week in April and he joins us every Thursday at 6:56 a.m. You can listen to his podcast here on our website, too!
At 7:11 a.m. Sara Eberle – MommaJam – joins us Thursdays at 7:11 a.m. to talk about parenting and family topics.
At 7:40 a.m. WATD means business about business and Thursdays at 7:40 we check in with Tim Cahill, President and Executive Director of the Quincy Chamber of Commerce.
At 8:11 a.m. Bob Terravecchi joins us from Coastal Heritage Bank for our growing together segment. https://coastalheritagebank.com/
And Liza Churchill, our golf reporter, joins us at 8:41 a.m. https://twitter.com/MsLizaChurchill