The Halifax Planning Board held a hearing on proposed zoning changes for multi-family homes and marijuana dispensaries in town.
The meeting was held at the Elementary School multi-purpose room but due to COVID-19, no more than 25 people were allowed to attend. Residents spoke against the changes, saying there were not enough people there to speak on the articles.
Joanne Andrews said she had personal health issues, and was concerned that Thursday would be her only chance to voice input.
Other residents felt even more residents were limited, with the Silver Lake School Committee discussing plans to reopen schools that night as well.
“You either choose your child or you choose development,” said Andrews.
“I think we ought to wait for a time where everyone can assemble.”
The proposed changes are already on the warrant for Town Meeting, which will vote to approve, deny, or take no action. It’s up to the Planning Board to get input make a recommendation.
“We’re excluding a huge number of citizens tonight,” said Ashley DiSesa, a former Planning Board member. “This could have waited two more weeks. This is wrong on so many levels.”
A citizen’s petition is requesting that recreational marijuana establishments be allowed in the commercial/business zone by special permit.
More restrictions are proposed for multi-family housing such as more units needing more upland lot area. Additionally, the bylaw adds buffers, addresses parking, and lighting.
For the marijuana changes, the Planning Board voted 3 to 1 not to recommend the article. Richard Merry was the dissenting vote, saying the town needs more revenue.
The Planning Board split 2-2 on a motion to not recommend the housing changes. They’ll defer to Town Meeting for a recommendation.
Gordon Andrews and Amy Troup felt this was not the time for the changes, agreeing with speakers at the meeting.
“This to me, doesn’t have that kind of urgency that it needs to be taken up right now,” said Andrews.
“Based on everyone here, I didn’t hear anyone stand for it,” said Troup. “We wouldn’t be doing right by the people who elected us.”
Chairman Alan Dias felt that the changes clarify language and would help the town avoid further litigation.
“We have a bylaw that’s been very problematic,” said Dias. “This is the solution to simplify the bylaw to correct it.”