Duxbury: Amy MacNab Wins Seat on Board of Selectmen

by | Sep 2, 2020

It was a close race for the selectman seat in Duxbury with record turnouts for their special election.

Amy MacNab is the new Duxbury selectwoman with 1,817 votes

MacNab says she thanks the voters and her competition and she is looking forward to representing the residents of Duxbury.



Michael McGee landed in second place in the selectman’s race with 1,490 votes and Fernando Guitart followed close behind with 1,368.

Paul McCormack received 278 votes.

McGee congratulated MacNab and says he will run again.



Fernando Guitart also congratulated MacNab and also expressed his interest in running again as well.



Duxbury voted to expand their board of selectmen from 3 to 5 members at the last town meeting and will add the new members in the next election.



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