With rising COVID-19 cases in Plymouth, town officials are concerned with a lack of face coverings being worn at the town skate park. Warnings are falling short, so the Select Board voted, 3-2 in favor of closing the park for two weeks.
Plymouth is currently in the red designation for COVID-19 infection rate, and Chairman Ken Tavares said there is a lot at stake.
“I think what we need to do is to take the next couple of weeks, close it for a two-week period, and do an education campaign which we had started,” said Tavares.
They would monitor the situation after re-opening and see if conditions improve.
“I understand we have multiple parks in town. The difference is the congregating of people is very, very close at the skateboard park,” said Tavares. “In the other parks in town, there’s more distance.”
Members Dick Quintal and Betty Cavacco voted against the measure. Cavacco wants to see enforcement in other areas in town, such as by the waterfront. She feels that the kids are being unfairly punished.
“These kids already have nothing do. I understand, I want them all wearing masks myself, and I know the residents are upset,” said Cavacco. “We’re taking everything away from them. What are they going to do? I get the mask thing, but I think if you actually had some enforcement and had more education. I’d like someone stationed there.”
Board member Patrick Flaherty says requests for mask-wearing at the park are being ignored. Signs were put up for education, warning that the area could be closed. High School students worked on a large project that was destroyed the next day.
“It’s not ideal to close down recreational areas. I certainly wouldn’t want to do that. But where I’m coming from, I see that at some point, there’s a responsibility from the town side of – we have to protect the health of our residents, but we’re in a high-risk red community zone right now. It has consequences for employees and businesses.”
Flaherty felt that while the skatepark is a small part of town, but it’s something they can control.
“I think this is the enforcement of what was put out there – ‘please wear a mask or this area will be shut down,” said Flaherty. “When the sign, the wooden structure was destroyed, that was it for me.”
The Plymouth Select Board will revisit the decision during the November 10 meeting.