Officials from Eversource met with the Marshfield Board of Selectmen to provide an update after a gas main fire.
On May 29th, a gas main fire broke out in front of 339 Plain Street, which forced an extended closure for that section of Route 139 in Marshfield.
Eversource officials say the cause of the fire was due to weather – an overhead power line failed, arced, and grounded through the six-inch gas main, which created a burn hole.
Due to failed valves, Eversource could not isolate the impacted area. They installed stopping equipment, which led to 32 customers being impacted. Nearly 5,000 customers could have been impacted if they had to shut off critical valves.
The company made repairs, and homes were re-lit within three days of the incident.
As a precaution, and to eliminate compromised gas mains, Eversource officials say that a new 200-foot gas main was installed on Plain Street. A new 150-foot section was installed on Plainfield Road. New valves were installed in the area as well.
Eversource is working on training for public safety officials in town. If customers smell gas, they can call 9-1-1 or 800-525-8222.
Photo credit: David Cedrone.