After virtual meetings since January, dozens of Pembroke residents packed a meeting room at the library for a ZBA hearing on the River Marsh 40B project.
River Marsh, LLC is proposing a 56-unit development in 16 buildings.
Neighbors are voicing opposition to the project, citing environmental and safety concerns. Abutter Scott Chapman says the site is unbuildable.
The project has been revised numerous times, and applicants say that it is out of a 300-foot protective boundary by the North River.
Plans for this project were submitted in 2016. A town appeal to the state was denied, finding that Pembroke was just under the 10 percent threshold for affordable housing.
George Howe, a direct abutter, feels it’s the wrong location for the project.
ZBA member Arthur Boyle said during the meeting that the project is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The next hearing was scheduled for September 28th.