There were no injuries reported, but a family was displaced after a fire at the Village Apartments in Marshfield.
Fire Chief Jeff Simpson says the fire took place in Building 3 Sunday afternoon.
Numerous people called 9-1-1 to report the fire, and Marshfield crews were on scene within a minute as they were returning from a nearby call. First arriving crews quickly knocked down the fire.
“They did exactly what they were trained to do, exactly what taxpayers expect them to do. They made an aggressive attack, they stretched a hose line to the second floor, forced entry, and extinguished the fire,” said Simpson. “They kept it from extending to other parts of the building, which would have caused a lot more damage and a lot more families would have been displaced.”
There were no injuries at the scene.
“The family wasn’t present at the time, they were not home. [Firefighters] made a primary and secondary search of the building,” said Simpson. “They did find two dogs — the dogs, I’m happy to say, were fine. They were able to remove them from the building. There’s significant smoke and water damage throughout this front side of the building, the first and second floor.”
The Red Cross was called in to assist the family that was displaced due to the fire.