Weymouth Coat Drive Aims to Eclipse 3,000-Coat Mark

Dec 6, 2021

Weymouth resident Dennis Brooks is on a mission this winter – making sure that every kid in need has a coat.

Two years ago, he organized the collection of 1,300 coats – and in five years, they’ve collected 2,700 coats.

“I keep looking at the people who have needs, and I just want to help people out. It starts in Weymouth for the most part, I’m in the Facebook community pages, I see people in need and I try to rally the troops,” said Brooks. “There’s so many great people in Weymouth, that when I put the call out, they answer. It’s been amazing every year that I do something.”

Since starting about a week ago, Brooks has collected 142 coats.

The coats are collected for Coats for Kids at Jordan’s Furniture, which will oversee distribution. Anton’s Cleaners will clean each of the coats.

“This year I just wanted to get over the 3,000-mark. I know with a pandemic and money is tough for everyone. I didn’t even expect how it’s going right now,” said Brooks. “My goal was to beat 3,000 – that’s what we’re hoping for.”

People can drop off coats at United Elevator in Marshfield, Abbey Realty in South Weymouth, Everyday Café in North Weymouth, and the 99 in South Weymouth.

For $20, people can sponsor a new coat with a hood for a child, by adding Dennis-Brooks-3 on Venmo.

This years’ drive runs until December 5th.

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