The town of Braintree will be hosting a medical supply drive today to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.
Mayor Charles Kokoros said Kate Naughton, the Services Coordinator in town, is organizing the collection in front of Town Hall from 3 to 6 p.m.
“She reached out to find out how we could as a town, help out Ukraine and its citizens,” said Kokoros. “She came upon a particular group that was doing a drive, this group is part of a church called the Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church, it’s located in Jamaica Plain. Also, a group called Ukraine Forward.”
They’re collecting first-aid kits, medical gloves, and hydrogen peroxide. Walkie Talkies and batteries will be accepted as well. A full list of items requested can be found on the Braintree Town website.
Recently, the Ukrainian flag was flown at Town Hall.
“We all are in this together, and I think that it’s important, just as it was with COVID times, when we were doing a number of food drives,” said Kokoros. “Although these neighbors may not live next to us, they certainly are our neighbors within the world. Anything we can do to help them would be great.”