Four Contested Races, $8M South Shore Country Club Pool Renovation on the Ballot for Hingham Town Election

by | May 13, 2022

There will be four contested races in Hingham’s Town election Saturday with candidates facing off for seats on the Board of Assessors, Board of Health, School Committee, and Planning Board.

There will also be a ballot question regarding the design and construction for a new pool at the South Shore Country Club.

For the Board of Assessors, Carlton Chambers, Sr. and Randall Winters are running for an open seat.

For Board of Health, incumbent Kirk Shilts is running for an open seat against Rosemary Byrne.

There are four candidates running for three open seats on the School Committee. Incumbent Nancy Nes Correnti is running against Alyson Anderson, Matthew Cosman, and Matthew Lebretton.

For Sewer Commissioner, incumbent Kirk Shilts is running against Joseph Kelly.

A debt exclusion override for the $8 million dollar South Shore Country Club pool is on the ballot, after the project was approved at Town Meeting.

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 


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