Four Contested Races At Whitman Town Election

May 20, 2022

Credit: Whitman Town Seal

There will be four contested races on the ballot when Whitman holds its Annual Town Election on Saturday.

The race for Selectmen will see incumbent Justin Evans competing with challengers Scott Benton, Rosemary Connelly, and Shawn Kain for two seats on the board.

Brittany Cavallo and Christine MacPherson are competing for a three-year-term for Assessor.

Incumbent Dawn Byers will be competing against Gregory Kelly, Charles Slavin, and Betj Stafford for two seats on the PK-12 Whitman-Hanson Regional School Committee.

The race for Board of Health will see Jamie Rhynd and Eric William Twiss competing for a three year term.

Polls are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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