The Morning Show: Thursday, March 2, 2023

Feb 27, 2023

Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life is Not Okay by Cyndie Spiegel

It’s Thursday. Let’s chat with our friends.

At 7:41, Tim Cahill, President and Executive Director from the Quincy Chamber of Commerce, joins us to share the latest news on all things Quincy.

Bob Terravecchia, Chairman and CEO of Coastal Heritage Bank, stops by for his weekly conversation with the morning crew at 8:11.

At 9:11, Cyndie Spiegel joins the show to talk about her book Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life is Not Okay. Microjoys are a practice of uncovering joy and finding hope at any moment accessible to everyone, despite all else. When we hone the ability to look for them, they are always available. Through beautifully written narrative essays and prompts, Cyndie shares the microjoys that have kept her going through tough times and shows us how we can learn to see the microjoys in our own lives. Microjoys don’t change the truth of loss or make grief any more convenient, but they allow us to temporarily touch joy, keeping us buoyed and moving forward, one moment at a time.

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