There were seven contested races for Hull’s Annual Election on Monday.
Unofficial results show Joseph McCann and Jerry Taverna as the top voters for two seats on the Select Board with McCann getting 1,207 votes and Taverna getting 844 with both winning a 3-year term. David Gibbons got 578 votes, Incumbent Donna Pursel had 502 votes, Kathleen Ann Barclay had 382 votes, Moraiba Reyes had 329 votes, and Philip Bellone had 216 votes.
Brian McCarthy won a 2 year term on the Select Board with 1,065 votes, James Ianiri had 731 votes, and Steven Greenberg had 503.
The race for Assessor saw Mario Grieco win a 3-year term with 1,460 votes. Pamela Sinton-Coffman had 1,307 votes.
Patrick Finn won the race for Redevelopment Authority with 1,075 votes. Daniel Kernan had 1,060 votes.
The race for Redevelopment Authority saw Adrienne Paquin win with 1,356 votes. Edwin Parsons had 706 votes.
Ernest Minelli and Fay Ferency were the top vote getters in the race for School Committee with Minelli getting 1,032 votes and Fay Ferency getting 911 votes. Colby Mahoney had 589 votes.
Emily Garr won the race for Trustees of the Public Library with 1,117 votes. Sasha Green had 569 votes.
All other races were uncontested.