The Action Team to Host Charity Bake Sale to Benefit the Sean Gannon Memorial Fund

Jun 9, 2023

The Action Team, a community organization from Carver, is leading the charge for a charity bake sale, with proceeds benefiting the Sean M. Gannon Memorial Fund.

The event takes place on Sunday at the Carver Middle/High School from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Gannon was a Yarmouth K-9 officer who was killed in the line of duty, while serving a search warrant in 2018. His K-9, Nero, was severely wounded, but survived.

The Gannon Fund promotes education, health, and leadership by encouraging service through action. Scholarships have been awarded for recruits to attend the Cape Cod Municipal Police Academy, along with grants for local programs.

Plympton Police Officer, Laicey Ieronimo, founded The Action Team in 2017.  

“It’s really all coming together now that the event is just a couple of days away,” said Ieronimo. “It’s been a lot of planning. I didn’t personally know Sean Gannon, but he’s always been a role model. Based on what I’ve heard about him, and the legacy that he’s left behind.”

“Having the chance to meet his family, and just being able to honor him at the event and support his memorial fund that his family has started – it’s really an honor to be able to do that. As a police officer myself, it means a lot.”

After months of planning, support has been tremendous for the bake sale, which has now grown to include a touch-a-truck event, K-9 demonstrations, and over 40 raffle prizes.

“A big help from that has been Megan Richardson, from ‘She Supports Police.’ She has been an asset to getting those raffle items donated, I’m super thankful to her and everybody that has donated the raffle items,” said Ieronimo. “The touch-a-truck will have vehicles from Plympton Police, Carver Police, Carver Fire, Wareham Police, and Mass. State Police.”

From card drives at the Boston Children Children’s Hospital, to sock drives for homeless people, and sensory kits for police departments, The Action Team tries to provide opportunities for the community to get involved.

“All coming together and working together, people just willing to donate their time, vehicle, or a raffle item – it has made this event pretty big,” said Ieronimo. “We also have Whitman PD coming with their new comfort dog and a State Police trooper coming with their K-9 as well. We also partnered with the 74th R.O.C. at the Plymouth Police Academy, so those recruits will be there helping out, and seeing just how important these community events are. It’s been super helpful to connect The Action Team with local police departments, because everyone is always willing to give a hand, and I’m sure there’s going to be a huge show out from police on Sunday.”

Ieronimo wants to make sure that people know about Gannon, and his dedication to helping others.

“One quote from their website that sticks out is ‘Whatever Sean did, he gave 100 percent of himself. He lived his live in service to others.’ I think we owe that to him to continue that, and go the extra mile to live in service,” said Ieronimo.  

More information about the Gannon Fund can be found here.

Future events and more information for The Action Team. 


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