No Horse Track, No Casino And County Commissioners Vote To Take A Pay Cut

by | Jan 22, 2024 | News

County Commissioners Meeting of 1/18/24 Credit: Bobbi Clark

In Plymouth, some folks can breathe a sign of relief—at least those opposed to a race track and/or casino on the County Woodlot—a parcel of about 110 acres, off Long Pond Rd.  and there will be no pay increase for County Commissioners Greg Hanley, Sandra Wright and Jared Valanzola —–but instead the Commissioners propose a salary decrease…this…voted on unanimously at their meeting on the 18th…

WATD’s Bobbi Clark has more…

County Commission Chair Jared Valanzola talks about renegotiating the County’s lease on the Woodlot with Boston South Development:

 “The first lease agreement was predicated on a horse track—there will be no horse track and no casino.  The casino was never on the table to begin with—but just to be clear, no horse track, no casino.  But the economics of that deal were predicated on the revenue a horse track would generate.”     

So, Valanazola says with no horse track…

 “…we updated the economics of the deal to allow Boston South the ability to go out to continue to procure potential sub-leases and sub-tenants on the property.”

And the economics of the real estate market is a major factor in the unanimous vote of the Commissioners to reduce their pay:

“As the real estate market continues to be sluggish, with higher rates and high prices and no inventory, it has put a strain on our revenue.  So the current salary is thirty-two thousand per Commissioner.  The vote we took is to propose a potential salary of fifteen thousand dollars per Commissioner. It’s for fiscal year 2025; it should take effect July 1st 2024.”

County Commissioners meet next at 5:30 p.m. on February, 1st at their offices on Obery St. In Plymouth, Bobbi Clark, WATD News.  


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