The Morning Show: Monday, December 16th

Meet our Pet of the Week, Cody

Cody is the perfect pup for the Christmas season – he has these tall, elf-like ears, he loves to be around family and people, AND this will be his first holiday season as he is only 10 months old. We wish Santa Clause could find him the perfect home asap, but...
Car Crashes Into Abington Home

Car Crashes Into Abington Home

Crews were called to the scene after a car crashed into a home on High St. in Abington Thursday night shortly before midnight.   Police Chief John Bonney tells WATD News that the incident remains under investigation.    Bonnie says no residents of the home were...
Kingston Police Wrangle Escaped Donkeys

Kingston Police Wrangle Escaped Donkeys

Police were called in to wrangle some escaped donkeys. Kingston Police say the 3 mini-donkeys got away from a residence on Grove St. Thursday night. The animals were located and all 3 runaways were returned to their home.