Rob and Beth are saddened to hear the news about a local family losing everything in a house fire:
On November 13th, a fire broke out in the Rexhame area of Marshfield that quickly spread to Mara and Isabel’s home. Luckily there were no injuries, even to the cats, but the house is a total loss.
There is a comedy fundraiser coming up at the end of the month so Kathleen Leonard, organizer of the fundraiser event and long-time friend of the effected family, came on The South Shore’s Morning News to talk about how people can help out the family with venmo donations, attend the comedy fundraiser event, and the current state of housing for the family. Listen to the interview below:
Comedian Christine Hurley is headlining the event and she will be coming on The South Shore’s Morning News next week to promote the fundraiser. If you are not able to attend the event, but you want to donate to this great cause, you can venmo the organizer of the fundraiser – @kathleen-leonard-73, please put “donation for mara & isabel” in the venmo description.