In Plymouth, Memorial Hall –is a 100 year old building that has become one of the most popular entertainment venues in the area. It was originally constructed to create a space where the community could gather and where soldiers and veterans had a place to meet, this—according to the website. But time has taken its toll and the building is in need of work. So, Town Manager Derek Brindisi says the town issued an RFP or Request for Proposal, for engineering and architectural analysis of the building and the bid has been awarded.
Bobbi Clark has more…
Town Manager Derek Brindisi says the winning bidder is a company based in Providence, Rhode Island:
“They are DVBW Architects, so we have a meeting scheduled with them this week that’s going to kick off this analysis.”
And kicking off this analysis, begins with a vision, and that is…
“…to create a 21st century entertainment venue and when we think about that, we want Memorial Hall to be the most sought after entertainment venue on the South Shore.”
But the building needs work and DVBW Architects will analyze in detail what needs to be done…
“…and do a top to bottom analysis, and what I mean by that is that they’re going to look at all of the systems from the roof to the HVAC to the electrical systems, our sound systems –all the way down to the walls and our foundation.”
So how is this funded?
“So, we’re using ARPA funds to hire the group out of Providence, DVBW Architects, but then once we complete that phase, we will be going to Town Meeting at some point. I would say 24 months out to seek some sum of money through Town Meeting in order to start to make some improvements.”
In Plymouth, Bobbi Clark, WATD News