Sunday Conversation: 2.27.22

Sunday Conversation: 2.20.22

With a wave of foreclosures coming, there is major opportunity for new people to get involved in real estate investing. Mark’s got the tips for first-timers....
Sunday Conversation: 2.27.22

Sunday Conversation: 2.13.22

If you sell your home, will you be able to find one to buy in the current market? Listen to this week’s segment to hear some of Mark’s solutions.  ...
Feel Good Friday: 2.25.22 at 9:10 a.m. with Rob Hakala

Feel Good Friday: 2.4.22

We learned on the Dr. Joe Show this week that exercise helps stave off memory loss problems. You’re in luck because the 12th Annual Marshfield Education Foundation 5K is coming up on March 19th, 2022! Sign up at...
Sunday Conversation: 2.27.22

Sunday Conversation: 2.6.22

Can you move your property into a trust if you have a mortgage? How can you escape the Due-on-Sale Clause violation if you do? Listen in to Mark and Rob’s discussion this week....