Students and Staff from South Shore Regional Vocational Technical High School delivered a bus full of donated toys to the DCF office in Brockton for distribution to children ahead of the holiday season. Carpentry Instructor at South Shore Vo Tech Eddie Costa tells...
Duxbury officials will be looking at a tax override in the spring to bridge a budget gap they say would result in the layoff of nearly forty town employees. About seventy residents and officials gathered for the select board meeting last night (Monday) where town...
Carin Paulette, the Director of Marshfield Veterans’ Services and Lisa Potts, the Assistant Director of Veterans’ Services discuss the upcoming Veterans Coffee that will take place this Wednesday.
Candidates for the Ninth Congressional District, Democrat Incumbent Bill Keating, and Republican challenger Dan Sullivan discussed various issues during WATD’s political forum on Tuesday night.
The candidates for Plymouth County Commissioners, Republican incumbent Jared Valanzola, and challengers, Republican Tony O’Brien and Democrat Rhonda Nyman weighed in on various issues during WATD’s political forum broadcast live Tuesday night. Democrat...
Join WATD on Tuesday, October 22 for a WATD Election political forum from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. This race is for Plymouth County Commissioner, with two seats available. Candidates Democrat Incumbent Greg Hanley, Democrat Rhonda Nyman, Republican Incumbent Jared Valanzola,...
Democrat Becky Coletta and Republican Ken Sweezey, candidates for State Representative in the 6th Plymouth District, took part in a WATD Forum on Tuesday night.
Join WATD on Tuesday, October 15 for a WATD Election political forum from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. This race is for State Representative for the 6th Plymouth District. Candidates Democrat Becky Coletta and Republican Ken Sweezey will be in studio. Christine James will be...
The candidates for state representatives of the 12th Plymouth District, Republican Eric Meschino and Democrat Incumbent Kathy LaNatra, weighed in on various issues during the Political Forum aired live last night.
First Plymouth District State Rep. candidates, Democrat Michelle Badger and Republican Jesse Brown took part in a WATD Political Forum on Tuesday night.