Carver Middle/High School was evacuated after a threatening note was found. School officials tell WATD News that shortly after noon on Friday a student found the note in the girls’ bathroom. The school was evacuated and a search was conducted by Carver Fire and Carver Police and the threat was deemed to be not credible. […]

Carver was able to wrap up Town Meeting Tuesday night after being able to meet all their Quorum requirements. Sarah Hewins, Vice-Chair of the Select Board, spoke about the meeting with WATD as a private citizen, and not on behalf of the board. She says an Article 28, involving a Town Administrator Bylaw Change, […]

Carver’s Annual Town Meeting will go another night as they still have several more articles to get though. Select Board Vice-Chair Sarah Hewins tells WATD News that the budget vote involved changing the status of some jobs in town. Hewins says an article involving Lithium Battery Storage was moved up. She says […]