We are getting reports of a fire at Brockton Hospital. Norfolk County Control is reporting that the fire has reached three alarms at the facility at 680 Centre St. Mutual aid is being requested with Hanover saying they have sent a truck and ambulance to the scene with Hazmat Team Activation. We are continuing to […]

A Brockton man has died following an early morning crash. Brockton Police say officers responded to a fatal accident shortly before 3 a.m. at 885 Centre St. The victim has been identified as a 28-year-old man. The incident remains under investigation by Brockton Police and the Massachusetts State Police Accident Reconstruction Team.

Milton Academy will be testing their emergency notification system on Wednesday. The school’s Campus Safety Department says the test will be taking place from 10 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. and the test will include using the external speaker on top of Ware Hall located at the corner of Centre St. and Randolph Ave. The test […]