The Norwell Special Town Meeting Thursday night adopted the MBTA Adjacent Community Multifamily Housing Zoning bylaw. This allows the town to create a multifamily housing zone for a section of the Accord Park Dr. area. Town Administrator Darleen Sullivan explains. By approving the zoning bylaw, the town will have control over potential developments. […]

Town Administrator Darleen Sullivan gives WATD’s Dan McCready a preview of Norwell Special Town Meeting. Norwell Special Town Meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Norwell Middle School Gymnasium at 328 Main St.

Norwell held their Special and Annual Town Meeting Monday night and not all articles were approved. Town Administrator Darleen Sullivan discusses some other articles that weren’t passed. Sullivan says there was a great deal of spirited debate and discussion. Sullivan says overall she’s pleased with how it went. Town Meeting wrapped […]

Town Administrator Darleen Sullivan gives WATD’s Dan McCready a preview of Norwell Special & Annual Town Meeting. Norwell Special & Annual Town Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Norwell High School.