The Town of Marshfield will be distributing COVID-19 test kits this weekend. Town Administrator Michael Maresco explained how the process works. Maresco tells WATD News they deliberately chose Superbowl weekend to do this. Maresco says this can also make the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. The COVID 19 Antigen Rapid Test Kits […]

Lenny LaForest, President of the Marshfield Agricultural Society, speaks with WATD’s Christine James about the return of the Marshfield Fair. Photo Credit: Dan McCready

Eversource is aiding the vaccine rollout by placing additional personnel at the Marshfield Fairgrounds vaccination site. Vice President of Operation Services Steve Driscoll tells WATD News it’s important to keep power running at the site. Driscoll says the company is doing all it can to address situations that could potentially lead to […]

The Town of Marshfield is holding a COVID-19 vaccine clinic starting Monday, Feburary 8th. Marshfield Town Administrator Michael Maresco says anyone from Plymouth County included in phase 2 should go to the Department of Public Health website to sign up. Maresco says the state also started a hotline for anyone having difficulty navigating through […]