A Duxbury police officer has been indicted. The Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office says that 51-year-old Steven J. Amado of Plymouth, allegedly falsified a police report and intimidated a witness during an investigation. Amado was indicted by a Plymouth County grand jury on Friday on one count each of Misleading a Police Officer, Intimidation of […]

Three people, including a Brockton Police officer, were injured following a crash on Monday night. Brockton Police say that shortly after 8:30 p.m. that officer was driving to a ShotSpotter call and travelling on Montello St. when a pickup truck driving on Lawrence St. ran a stoplight and crashed into the police SUV. Brewster Ambulance […]

Police are on scene following reports two police officers were shot in Braintree. The incident occurred in the Commercial St. and McCusker Dr. area. The MBTA is reporting that Greenbush Line trains will be delayed in both directions and that passengers should expect their train to hold. Weymouth school superintendent Kathleen Smith says that there […]