Two Rockland Schools were evacuated on Wednesday over a report of a bomb threat. Rockland Police say that at 11:40 a.m. officers responded to Rogers Middle School where it was reported that two students claimed to have heard a third unidentified student allege they had a bomb in their bag. Students were evacuated from the […]

There will be three contested races on the ballot when Rockland holds its Annual Town Election on Saturday. Incumbent John Davis will face challenger Sally Shakespeare for a seat on the Housing Authority. The race for School Committee will see incumbent Jaime Hennessy facing a challenge from Julie Minahan. There will also be two candidates, […]

Rockland Police are looking for a missing 14-year-old girl. Teyanna Cuocolo was last seen on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at the Rogers Middle School in Rockland wearing black bike shorts and a blue crop top hooded sweatshirt. Police say she is known to frequent the Brockton and Milton areas. If you have any information about […]

The numerical date for Sunday (3/14), 3-1-4, matches the first three numbers the mathematical constant pi and would usually be observed in many schools on the South Shore, the following day but this year things are different. Liam Griffin, Assistant Principal at the Rogers Middle School in Rockland, tells WATD News that Pi Day […]