In Plymouth, while it might make sense on paper, given the statistics, the vote at the Select Board meeting last week, on February 4th, to go from 14 to 4 voting locations, did not sit well with the public. The recommendation to consolidate polling locations was based on Town Clerk Kelly McElreath’s presentation at that […]

A contract was approved by the Marshfield Select Board for new Fire Chief Michael LaSelva. Board Chair Lynne Fidler called for a vote on the measure on Friday after they had previously discussed it in Executive Session. The measure passed with a less than unanimous vote. LaSelva was appointed as the town’s permanent […]

The Hanson Select Board has said they will leave measures in place to prevent a political sign from being projected onto the town’s water tower. The board made the announcement following a meeting that was held in Executive Session Tuesday night. A cease and desist letter was delivered to a resident who was projecting a […]

In Plymouth, after failing decisively at Town Meeting last fall, the Nuisance Bylaw is being re-written. The intent of that bylaw was to give the Town a tool to get rid of derelict buildings, such as the old Bert’s Restaurant near the entrance to Plymouth Beach. Selectman Kevin Canty has taken the lead in revising […]

In Plymouth, the annual town election is Saturday, the 18th. Over nine thousand people requested vote-by-mail ballots and in person early voting took place this week at Town Hall and ended yesterday. Also, what looked like an uncontested race for Select Board has changed because of a grass-roots campaign for an additional candidate. WATD’s Bobbi […]

Pembroke Select Board candidates took part in a forum Tuesday night that included incumbents Daniel Trabucco and John Brown, and challenger Michelle Burt.

Incumbents Kim Emberg, and Sheila Vaughn and candidate Missy Bateman discuss their campaigns for Kingston Select Board.

There will be a new face on the Milton Select Board following yesterday’s Annual Town Election. Unofficial results show John Keohane defeating Incumbent Michael Zullas, who also serves as the Board’s chair, with 3,434 votes to Zullas’ 3,312. In the race for School Committee incumbent Elizabeth Marshall Carroll was able to hold onto her seat […]

There will be four contested races on the ballot when Milton holds its Annual Town Election on Tuesday. Incumbent Select Board member Michael Zullas is facing challenger John Keohane. The race for School Committee sees incumbent Elizabeth Marshall Carroll facing challengers Daniel O’Neil and Amanda Serio for two seats. Robert Levash and Michael Vaughan are […]

Marshfield voters will be heading to the polls on Saturday for the Annual Town Election. There are ten races on the ballot, but only one office is being contested. The race for Select Board will see incumbent James Kilcoyne facing challenger Eric Kelley. Polls are open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Marshfield High […]