State Rep. Patrick Kearney spoke with WATD’s Dan McCready about the recently passed state budget, concerns about the MBTA, and the ongoing drought.
State Rep. Patrick Kearney spoke with WATD’s Dan McCready about the recently passed state budget, concerns about the MBTA, and the ongoing drought.
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready regarding a bill helping local lobstermen, a proposed repeal of the gas tax, and his vote regarding driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants.
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about proposals to discharge water from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, the potential Roe vs Wade decision, and driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants.
Legislators on Beacon Hill are still working on the state budget and State Representative Patrick Kearney gave WATD News his thoughts on the process so far. Kearney also said he’s glad to see that the supplemental budget includes a complete divestment of the state’s pension fund from Russian companies. Kearney also expressed support […]
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about his bill that would ban Russian imports. Also, he talks about state money secured for the Cole Parkway Marina Project.
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the distribution of ARPA Funds, a letter regarding a Route 3A intersection, and student loan reimbursements for law enforcement.
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about legislative accomplishments in 2021.
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the recently passed Infrastructure Bill and the latest redistricting maps proposed for state House and Senate districts.
State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the Scituate Coast Guard Station, proposed legislation regarding offshore wind farms, and climate change.