In Plymouth, the Charter Review Committee has been meeting for just over a year, and they have proposed eleven changes to the current Charter—the Charter is essentially the constitution of the Town of Plymouth. These changes, or amendments, will be presented to Town Meeting for approval when the group meets on Saturday, October 19th. But […]

Kingston Board of Selectmen Chair Kim Emberg gives WATD’s Dan McCready a recap of Kingston Town Meeting.

Marshfield will be holding their Special and Annual Town Meeting tonight with 21 articles on the warrant for the Special Town Meeting. The Annual Town Meeting warrant has 19 articles. Jim Fitzgerald is once again taking the helm, replacing former Town Moderator Don Gibson. Fitzgerald tells WATD News he doesn’t expect Town […]

Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Triffletti gives WATD’s Dan McCready a recap of Town Meeting.

Duxbury Town Meeting will have an unusual predicament on Saturday. Town government will either run a deficit or close the beach. A non-profit organization, the Duxbury Beach Reservation, owns the peninsular that largely identifies the town and protects it as a barrier beach. The town leases it from the reservation. This year, the lease will […]

Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Triffletti gives WATD’s Dan McCready re-cap of the Fall Annual Town Meeting.

Kimberly Emberg, Chair of the Kingston Board of Selectmen, gives WATD’s Dan McCready a recap of Tuesday night’s meeting.

Hull did not wrap up their Town Meeting Monday night. Select Board chair Donna Pursel tells WATD News some very important articles were passed. One of the approved articles dealt with the Town Administrator position. Select Board chair Donna Pursel tells WATD News they will reconvene Tuesday night. Hull Town Meeting […]

In Plymouth, spring Town Meeting will be the first one to be held using the hybrid format, now permitted because of state legislation passed late last year. The hybrid plan allows Town Meeting members to appear in person or to participate remotely. The Town Moderator, elected by the town’s voters, presides over 162 Town Meeting […]

In Plymouth, the Select Board issued a new policy last November that when the warrant closes the second week of December—all language and supporting documents must be presented in the lead up to spring Annual Town Meeting. The Community Preservation Committee, or CPC, presented those materials on the 22nd—one day late. Community Chairman Bill Keohan […]