Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Trifletti gives WATD’s David Cedrone a recap of what was accomplished at the Special and Annual Town Meeting on Saturday and what needs to be completed when they reconvene on Monday night. Plymouth Annual Town Meeting will reconvene at 6 p.m. Monday at Plymouth North High School.

In Plymouth, spring Town Meeting will be the first one to be held using the hybrid format, now permitted because of state legislation passed late last year. The hybrid plan allows Town Meeting members to appear in person or to participate remotely. The Town Moderator, elected by the town’s voters, presides over 162 Town Meeting […]

Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Triffletti gives WATD’s Dan McCready a preview of Tuesday night’s Special Town Meeting.

Plymouth Moderator Steven Triffletti will be hosting a forum that will preview the upcoming June 21 Town Meeting. Monday night’s forum will take place virtually at 6 p.m. and can be viewed on PAC TV. Photo Credit: PlymouthLaw.com

Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Trifletti speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about a Special Town Meeting scheduled for June 21. Photo Credit: PlymouthLaw.com

Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Trifletti speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about Presentation Night airing at 6 p.m. on PAC TV.

Plymouth Town Moderator Steven Trifletti speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the return of his COVID centered TV show. Photo Credit: PlymouthLaw.com