South Shore Spooks
Haunted Places of the South Shore. Keep reading…if you DARE!
There is nothing quite like autumn in New England. Apple cider donuts, beautiful fall foliage, the occasional ghost sighting…oh wait, that can happen all year round here! This October, we’re investigating some of the most notoriously paranormal places in Southeastern Massachusetts.The only question you need to ask yourself is, “Are you a believer of the ‘other side'”? Or is that old creaking stair in your house “just a loose floorboard”? We may all have our own theories on other-worldly activities, so listen in as we search for answers on South Shore Spooks, airing Fridays in October at 7:45am on The South Shore’s Morning News on 95.9 WATD. And if you’re just dying to hear more, you can catch all the segments here!
Enjoy Our Featured Audio Below
South Shore Spooks, Finale – Volume 4: the Lizzie Borden House in Fall River
Volume 4 of "South Shore Spooks", an October feature of The South Shore's Morning News on 95.9...
South Shore Spooks, Volume 3: the USS Salem in Quincy
Volume 3 of "South Shore Spooks", an October feature of The South Shore's Morning News on 95.9...
South Shore Spooks – Volume 2- Historic Winslow House in Marshfield
Volume 2 of "South Shore Spooks", an October feature of The South Shore's Morning News on 95.9...
South Shore Spooks – Volume 1- S.P.I.R.I.T.S New England
Volume 1 of "South Shore Spooks", a new feature of The South Shore's Morning News on 95.9 WATD...