WATD Afternoons with Taylor Harris
Weekdays from 2pm – 6 pm
Request a Song!
Text or call the request line: 781-837-4900
Email: tharris@959watd.com

About Taylor
Taylor began her radio career after winning a contest in Florida fresh after her graduation from Boston University. She called in and said, “I have a body for radio” and has been on-air ever since. Her radio career took her from Florida to upstate NY to Chicago where she trained and performed improv at Second City. She is thrilled to finally be able to be on-air and home with her family here on the South Shore. This is the first time her family is able to drive along and tune in to hear stories about themselves and her dog Molly Parton. She hopes you’ll tune in too every weekday afternoon from 2:00 to 6:00.
A Farewell Message from Former Afternoon Host Cathy D
Not Goodbye…Just See Ya Later
Well, time to hang up my headphones. Hard to believe I’ve been doing this for 40 plus years. Time flies when you’re having fun right? The people at WATD are truly my second family and no matter what was going on in my life I knew they always had my back. On the saddest day of my life when my Dad died they were there for me and on the happiest day of my life, when I married Bob, they celebrated with me. I can’t mention everyone I work with but a few people need special thanks. First, Ed Perry, WATD owner and head ring master. How can I thank him for not firing me when I told him “it’s a sad day when even Pat Boone can kick your ass.” (Ask Christine James to tell you the story). Thanks Ed for keeping me employed for four decades. If you know me, you know my favorite movie of all time is The Wizard of Oz (“There’s no place like home”). Christine, you are a true friend and Scarecrow to my Dorothy. John Shea, host of the award winning local music show Almost Famous on Tuesday nights, has saved me from dead air and dead equipment too many times to mention. Not bad for a guy who started out as my intern many years ago. Thanks to our terrific sales team, Jackie McGoodwin , (VP of Marshfield Broadcasting), Joyce Anderson and Sandii Rollock who’ve put up with my craziness day to day. Thanks to Program Director and morning show host, Rob Hakala and Production Director, Quinn Kelly, two of the nicest, most talented people in radio. To the lovely and talented Audrey Constant, you are a unicorn and I’ve loved working with you. Our news team, News Editor, Christine James , the talented and quick witted Dan McCready and newcomer, Tom Gorman (who I keep calling Paul for some reason) are total pros and award winners too! Malcolm Alter, Traffic guy and friend, love you buddy. Thank you Larry Nelson for filling in for me so many times. Mr. Fix It Frank Stas for always riding to my rescue computer wise. I can’t forget our loyal WATD listeners. Your texts, emails and calls mean a lot to me. Thank you for letting me be a part of your day and for being an important part of mine. Thanks to my family who never asked me when I was going to get a “real” job. My husband Bob made it all possible for me to do what I love while he did more than his share at Casa de Dee. “At Last”, our wedding song, says it all. For me, goodbye is the saddest word in the English language so I won’t say it. See ya later seems right. Be kind to each other. Take care of each other and as Jimmy Buffett sang: “remember you are loved. Bubbles Up.”
Cathy Dee