by Bobbi Clark | Feb 17, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, spring Town Meeting will be the first one to be held using the hybrid format, now permitted because of state legislation passed late last year. The hybrid plan allows Town Meeting members to appear in person or to participate remotely. The Town Moderator,...
by Bobbi Clark | Feb 12, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, the difference between postpartum depression and the baby blues—discussed at the Board of Health meeting on the 8th. Board Member and pediatrician, Dr. Teri Reid, says pediatricians are on the front line to help in a diagnosis because they see mothers...
by Bobbi Clark | Feb 3, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, DPW Director Jonathan Beder officially resigned on January 30, after having been on leave for about two weeks prior to that time. Town Manager Derek Brindisi talks about Beder’s role in the operation of the DPW during his dozen years of leadership there,...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 29, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, recovery from addiction is possible, and it’s a beautiful thing–that’s the philosophy of those who operate the Plymouth Recovery Center. And to spread the word, the group held an open house on the 26th. Bobby Jencks, the Program Director, wants to remind...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 22, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, there are 18 precincts and nine Town Meeting representatives elected per precinct. In each precinct the members vote on a chairman. Those chairmen constitute the Committee of Precinct Chairs or COPC. And at the COPC meeting on the 19th, the group heard...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 17, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, Town Manager Derek Brindisi and key town staff, including, among others, the Finance Director, the Town Clerk and the Director of Marine and Environmental Affairs, addressed the Community Preservation Committee, or CPC on the 12th, concerning...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 13, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, the Select Board issued a new policy last November that when the warrant closes the second week of December—all language and supporting documents must be presented in the lead up to spring Annual Town Meeting. The Community Preservation Committee, or CPC,...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 12, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, the Select Board at their meeting on the 10th, hosted a joint session with the School Committee and the Advisory and Finance Committee to review again the proposed fiscal 2024 school budget, originally presented to the Select Board last month. School...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 8, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, recently re-elected County Commissioner Sandra Wright was sworn-in at a meeting of the County Commissioners on Friday, the 6th. Her first order business was to nominate Commissioner Jared Valanzola to Chair the group going forward. Bobbi Clark files this...
by Bobbi Clark | Jan 5, 2023 | News
In Plymouth, in the aftermath of the pandemic, many people have experienced isolation, loss and disruption, leading to what is now a mental health crisis. So, it’s an invaluable time for the state to be opening walk-in Community Behavioral Health Centers…this...