Democrat Becky Coletta and Republican Ken Sweezey, candidates for State Representative in the 6th Plymouth District, took part in a WATD Forum on Tuesday night.
Democrat Becky Coletta and Republican Ken Sweezey, candidates for State Representative in the 6th Plymouth District, took part in a WATD Forum on Tuesday night.
Join WATD on Tuesday, October 15 for a WATD Election political forum from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. This race is for State Representative for the 6th Plymouth District. Candidates Democrat Becky Coletta and Republican Ken Sweezey will be in studio. Christine James will be moderating and be joined by WATD Reporter Tom Gorman asking […]
Jane Cournan and Ken Sweezy, candidates for the Republican nomination for State Rep. in the Sixth Plymouth District took part in a forum at the WATD Studios Tuesday night.
Join WATD, Tuesday, July 30, for a WATD Primary Election political forum from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. This race is for the Republican spot on the ballot for the 6th Plymouth District.* Candidates Jane Cournan and Ken Sweezy will be in studio. Christine James will be moderating and be joined by WATD Reporter Tom Gorman, […]
Jane Cournan speaks with WATD’s Christine James about her campaign for the Republican Party nomination for State Representative in the 6th Plymouth District.
Ken Sweezey speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about his campaign to become the Republican Party’s nominee for State Representative in the 6th Plymouth District.