Tagged: Closure

Duxbury: Percy Walker Pool Closed Due To COVID

December 4th, 2020 | Closure

Credit: Town of Duxbury Percy Walker Pool in Duxbury has been closed. The town’s Recreation Director Gordon Cushing says the Board of Health received notification on Thursday that an individual who was at the pool had tested positive for COVID-19. The individual was known to be at the pool on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Cushing […]

Marshfield: Town Closes Rink and Skate Park

November 20th, 2020 | Closure

Credit: Marshfield Hockey Twitter Feed The Town of Marshfield has closed the Skate Park and Adam Keeler Street Hockey Rink. Town Administrator Michael Maresco made the announcement on Friday saying that rising COVID numbers lead to this decision. Signage was put in place at both facilities that required the wearing of masks, an educational initiative […]

Brockton: Trial Court Closed Due To COVID-19 Until Thursday

October 28th, 2020 | Closure

The Brockton Trial Court Complex will be closed on Wednesday. State officials say a Court Officer has tested positive for COVID-19 and the courts will be closed for disinfecting and will reopen on Thursday.   Officials say the officer was last in the courthouse on Friday and worked in various areas of the building throughout the day.
