Tagged: Department of Environmental Protection

Moran Discusses DEP Decision For Pilgrim

July 19th, 2024 | Department of Environmental Protection

State Senator Su Moran, of the Plymouth Barnstable District, speaks with WATD’s Christine James about a ruling from the Department of Environmental Protection that will prevent Holtec from dumping 1.1 million gallons of industrial wastewater into Cape Cod Bay.

DEP Holds Waterways Hearing Regarding Weymouth Compressor Station

February 1st, 2024 | Department of Environmental Protection

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection held a Waterways Hearing on Wednesday to discuss a Chapter 91 Waterways permit that was granted to Enbridge for construction of a compressor station in Weymouth which a Superior Court Justice vacated and sent back to the department. DEP Attorney David Bragg told the presiding officer that the site […]

DEP Commissioner Tours Wastewater Treatment Plant In Hull

September 28th, 2023 | Department of Environmental Protection

When Hull sited its wastewater treatment plant in 1978, it chose a location between the uplands of Pemberton and Allerton. It’s a gravity-feed system. Today, it shares the low spot, within view of the harbor and the Atlantic, with a salt marsh. It floods. The town has spent more than a million dollars to lift […]

Duxbury Nukes Chair Welcomes DEP Decision On Holtec

July 26th, 2023 | Department of Environmental Protection

Mary “Pixie” Lampert, Co-Chair of the Duxbury Nuclear Advisory Committee, speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the recent decision by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection denying a request by Holtec to release contaminated water into Cape Cod Bay.  
