In Plymouth, while it might make sense on paper, given the statistics, the vote at the Select Board meeting last week, on February 4th, to go from 14 to 4 voting locations, did not sit well with the public. The recommendation to consolidate polling locations was based on Town Clerk Kelly McElreath’s presentation at that […]

In Plymouth, after failing decisively at Town Meeting last fall, the Nuisance Bylaw is being re-written. The intent of that bylaw was to give the Town a tool to get rid of derelict buildings, such as the old Bert’s Restaurant near the entrance to Plymouth Beach. Selectman Kevin Canty has taken the lead in revising […]

In Plymouth, the Select Board at their meeting on the 10th, hosted a joint session with the School Committee and the Advisory and Finance Committee to review again the proposed fiscal 2024 school budget, originally presented to the Select Board last month. School officials have been consistent in limiting budget reductions to preserve the quality […]