The Town of Duxbury put forth its first budget override in 35 years at their Annual Town Meeting, which, despite all of the controversy in town, passed during the vote. Duxbury Town Manager Rene Read tells WATD news that the budget discussion was the hottest item on the warrant, and that he’s glad that […]

Duxbury Fire Chief Robert Reardon, Police Chief Chief Michael A. Carbone, School Superintendent Dr. Danielle E. Klingaman and Select Board Member Fernando Guitart speak with WATD’s Christine James about why they want voters to support the upcoming override vote.

Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the ongoing cold temperatures, the City Council’s override of his veto of an ordinance regarding the homeless, and recently acquired instruments.

Duxbury officials will be looking at a tax override in the spring to bridge a budget gap they say would result in the layoff of nearly forty town employees. About seventy residents and officials gathered for the select board meeting last night (Monday) where town department heads outlined the impact the current budget deficit would […]