Legislators on Beacon Hill are still working on the state budget and State Representative Patrick Kearney gave WATD News his thoughts on the process so far. Kearney also said he’s glad to see that the supplemental budget includes a complete divestment of the state’s pension fund from Russian companies. Kearney also expressed support […]

State Representative Patrick Kearney speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about his bill that would ban Russian imports. Also, he talks about state money secured for the Cole Parkway Marina Project.

State Senator Walter Timilty speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about legislation he recently filed, “An Act Relative To Pension Divestment From Russia.” The legislation calls upon Pension Reserves Investment Management to divest funds from companies that do business in Russia. Photo Credit: Walter Timilty Facebook Page

As Russia’s full blown assault against Ukraine continues, many are wondering how long the nation can hold on. While the situation is a grave concern, Congressman Bill Keating tells WATD News it’s unlikely American will intervene militarily. Keating says moves to sanction Russia have support both across the aisle and across the ocean. […]