Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the latest COVID numbers in the city, a change in hours at the Shaw’s Center and a recent visit by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the latest COVID numbers in the city, a change in hours at the Shaw’s Center and a recent visit by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about falling COVID numbers, the Shaws Center, and a collection drive to benefit Ukraine.
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan spoke with WATD’s Dan McCready about encouraging COVID numbers, raising the Irish and Ukrainian flags, and transportation.
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about the latest COVID numbers in the city, the lifting of mask mandate in schools, and recent events at the Brockton RMV. Photo Credit: City of Brockton
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about vaccine outreach and the observance of the Strand Theatre Fire.
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan gives WATD’s Dan McCready the city’s latest COVID Numbers and new regarding the reopening of schools. Photo Credit: City of Brockton
Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about a new testing facility at the Shaw’s Center and a push to get a COVID-19 vaccination site in his city. The city has created its own simplified registration form that will make it easier for residents to get the vaccine when they are eligible. […]