There will be three contested races on the ballot when Milton holds its Annual Town Election on Tuesday. The race for Select Board will see incumbent Richard Welles facing off against George Ashur, Cindy Christiansen, Philip Johenning, and Benjamin Zoll for two seats on the board. Four candidates Mark Loring, Daniel O’Neil, Bao Qui, and […]

There are three candidates running for two open seats on the Marshfield School Committee. Eric Kelley is running against incumbents Lara Brait and Rich Greer. Rich Greer speaks with WATD’s Dan McCready about his bid for re-election to the Marshfield School Committee. Eric Kelley spoke with WATD’s Christine James about his campaign: WATD […]

Special Advisor to the Plymouth Town Clerk’s Office, Laurence Pizer gives WATD’s Dan McCready an update on the upcoming Town Election. Photo Credit: Google Maps

Plymouth voters made some changes in yesterday’s annual town election, as WATD’s Charles Mathewson reports.

There will be one contested race on the ballot when voters in Middleborough head to the polls on Saturday. Three candidates are running for two available seats on the School Committee with incumbent Richard Young running against Ezekiel Adams Lewis, and Robert Sullivan. Polls are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters in Precinct […]