In Plymouth, town meeting and how it will be conducted is a controversial subject. Town Moderator Steven Triffletti insists that town meeting, now scheduled for August 10th, must be a virtual one. But Selectman Betty Cavacco is hearing that some town meeting members want another option.
Bobbi Clark has more:
Selectman Cavacco says a hybrid town meeting was her first choice:
“Way back when, actually, Selectman Mahoney and myself asked for a hybrid town meeting and that was completely shot down. And moving forward, I did support virtual, but right now, nobody seems to want it.”
And what they want is a choice and quite a few choose a hybrid town meeting a model that surprisingly and quietly has been planned for a few at North High School:
“One of the things that a few town meeting members have reached out to me that’s very concerning is that for people that don’t feel comfortable with the technology they are going to provide them someone at Plymouth North to help them with all this computer stuff and that just kind of contradicts exactly what we’re trying to do here– that’s a problem for me.”
The contradiction is that while the majority of town meeting members would be required to participate remotely, using the virtual format, for health and safety reasons a few will be offered the option of attending at the high school in direct conflict with those health and safety standards.